Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yahoo Mail Problems

There seems to be a problem with yahoo mail, I guess it has something to do with their major upgrade a few days ago. I'm receiving blank emails from people with yahoo accounts and I'm not able to send any emails myself either. So if I'm not replying to your emails this is the reason. Let's hope they'll be able to fix this soon...

Er is blijkbaar een probleem met yahoo mail. Ik vermoed dat 't iets te maken heeft met een grote update die ze een paar dagen geleden hebben gedaan. Ik krijg lege emails van mensen met een yahoo emailadres en ik kan zelf geen emails sturen. Dus als ik jullie emails niet beantwoord is dit de reden. Hopelijk kunnen ze 't probleem snel oplossen...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nongkhai II

Still alive and still in Nongkhai. I've been here for about 2 weeks now, being quite busy doing the 7 day intensive yoga course, reading books and relaxing. There isn't much else to do here in Nongkhai, but that suits me fine. I'm slowly preparing to leave though, probably the day after tomorrow, my next stop will be Sukothai. I want to go back to the beautiful temples and ruins at the Sukothai Historical Park and take some more pictures with my new camera (well, not really new anymore). Then I'll probably go to Chiang Mai for a few days before returning to Bangkok, from where I will fly to Cambodia.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I arrived in Nongkhai a few days ago. Nongkhai is a town on the banks of the Mekong and on the Lao Border, close to Vientiane. I was here in december 2004, when I did a 7 day intensive yoga course. And that's why I'm back here again, to do some more yoga. Nongkhai has been upgraded a bit since I was here last time. There were only a few places where you could see the river, but now they have built a beautiful path with sitting areas next to the Mekong. And the Mut Mee Guesthouse where I'm staying has a new bar, floating on the river. For the rest it's really still the same quiet, laid back town with not too many tourists.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Pictures!

I just uploaded a batch of new pictures. Most are from Penang, cause I didn't take many pictures in KL or Koh Phangan.

Ik heb zojuist weer een hoop nieuwe foto's online gezet. De meeste zijn van Penang, want ik heb niet zo veel foto's in KL of Koh Phangan getrokken...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bangkok re-visited

It's almost 3 years ago that I arrived in bangkok for the first time. I remember feeling a bit overwelmed and scared at first being on my own in such a big and crazy city. But the more I traveled through Bangkok during those 5 months in thailand, going back and forth between the north and the south of Thailand, the more it felt like home.
So when I arrived in Bangkok yesterday morning it felt a bit like seeing that old friend you haven't seen in years, again. Bangkok has changed a bit, there are new hotels, reaurants and shops, but it is still the same in many ways. It's nice to be able to walk around not needing your guide book or map and knowing the scams they'll try to pull on you...
I'll be here until tuesday and then I'll be off to Nongkhai for some yoga...

Bijna 3 jaar geleden kwam ik voor 't eerst aan in bangkok. Ik herinner me nog heel goed hoe eng 't was om voor 't eerst in zo'n grote, gekke stad te zijn op mijn eentje. Maar hoe meer ik door Bangkok reisde, onderweg naar 't noorden of 't zuiden van Thailand, hoe meer 't als thuis ging voelen.
Dus toen ik gisterenochtend aankwam in Bangkok voelde 't een beetje alsof ik een oude vriend tegenkwam die ik al jaren niet meer gezien had. Bangkok is wel een beetje veranderd, er zijn nieuwe hotels, restaurants en winkels, maar is ook nog 't zelfde op veel vlakken. 't Is fijn om te kunnen rondwanden zonder een reisgids of kaart te moeten gebruiken en te weten op welke manier ze je zullen proberen af te zetten...
Ik ga hier tot dinsdag blijven en dan vertrek ik naar Nongkhai om wat yoga te doen...


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sawatdee Kah*

Yes, indeed, I'm in Thailand again. I left Penang thursday and arrived on the island of Koh Phangan the next morning. But unfortunately I'm not doing that yogacourse that I was planning to do. Before I left Penang I read some bad reviews, though I still wanted to check it out by myself. But on the nightboat to Koh Phangan I met a guy who'd been living here for several years already and he has some friends who did the yogacourse, thinking it was an ordinary yogacourse, but after about 2 weeks it became clear it was some kind of sex cult. Anyway, I decided not to go there and go to another beach, do some yoga on my own and try to figure out what I'm going to do next.
Being in Thailand again is nice though. The food is great and it's nice to see these little details, that I already forgot about, like people wearing a lot of yellow (because they like their king so much and yellow is his birth color), the language that almost sounds like they're singing, ...
Thailand has become a lot more expensive though, not that the prices have gone up that much, but the Baht is a lot stronger, while I got about 50 Baht for a euro last tie, I'm only getting 40 Baht or a euro now, and that makes a big differnce in my budget... I guess I'll simply have to spend a little more money while I'm here...

*in case you didn't know: 'sawatdee kah(p)' means hello in Thai

Nederlandse tekst komt er aan als ik een plek vind waar 't internet wat goedkoper is...