
Even though the road to Tawangmangu was very beautiful with lush green vegetable plantations and rice terraces, Tawangmangu itself was not that spectecular. It's a hill town built for Indonesian tourists. The only interesting thing to see in town is the 90m high waterfall, which I admit, was nice. I also visited the Sukuh and Ceto Temples, but I think it would have been just as good if I had visited them from Solo. Tawangmangu is only a little bit closer. The Ceto Temple was the nicest of the two temples, but I think only because there had been a special ceremony a few days ago, and everything was still decorated. The way to Ceto is also very beautiful, going through hills with tea plantations.
The Sukuh Temple is special cause it looks like a Mexican temple.
Yesterday I returned to Solo. I had a very nice Italian meal at 'O Solo Mio', which to my surprise has some real authenthic Italian food. It was nice to eat something different for a change, cause I'm starting to get enough of all the fried rice and fried noodles. Being a vegeterian (or semi-vegetarian cause I do eat fish) is not the worst thing in Indonesia, because they have tofy and tempe, but especially when you're in little towns like Tawangmangu you end up eating the same thing again and again. I did discover another nice dish yesterday evening though, called Nasi Liwet, and it's made of rice steamed in coconut sauce with a topping made of papaya and spices , mmmm. I'm happy that my trip to Malaysia is coming closer though, cause I think the food will be a little bit more varied there, because they also have a lot of Indian food.

De Sukuh Tempel is dan weer speciaal omdat hij lijkt op een Mexicaanse tempel.
Gisteren ben ik dan maar weer naar Solo teruggekeerd. Ik ben er heel lekker Italiaans gaan eten in 'O Solo Mio', een restaurant dat to mijn verbazing echt authenthiek Italiaans eten had. 't Was fijn om nog eens iets anders te kunnen eten, want ik begin de Nasi en Mie Goreng toch een beetje beu te geraken. Vegetarier zijn (of semi-vegetarier want ik eet wel vis) is niet het ergste in Indonesie, want ze hebben hier wel tofu en tempe, maar vooral in kleinere steden zoals Tawangmangu eet je uiteindelijk telkens weer 'tzelfde. Maar ik heb gisterenavond toch nog een lekker nieuw gerecht ontdekt, 't heet Nasi Liwet, en 't is gemaakt van rijst gestoomd in een kokosnootsaus met papaya en kruiden , mmmm. Maar ik ben toch wel blij dat mij vertrek naar Maleisie eraan komt, want ik denk dat het eten daar toch ietsje gevarieerder gaat zijn want ze hebben er ook veel Indisch eten.

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