
Yesterday I left Yogya and went to Prambanan by bus. I tried to find a nice hotel, but failed. I first went to the Prambanan Indah Hotel, which is mentioned in the Lonely Planet, but all that is left of this hotel are a few walls. It was completely destroyed by the earthquake and they never rebuild the place. There was another hotel in the same street, the Visnu Hotel, but the rooms were not very clean, so I didn't want to stay there. Since the town didn't look that nice, cause it's all centred around the buzy highway, I decided to visit only the main temples and go to Solo immediately. The temples themselves have been damaged as well during the earthquake. They are still very beautiful and definitely worth seeing, but it's a pity that you can't go inside...
So now I'm in Solo (Surakarta). I met a few people who liked Solo more than Yogya, because it's similar but more relaxed, but I don't know. There are definitely less tourists here, but there isn't a lot to do. Somehow there are a lot of French tourists here, which is strange, cause everywhere else there are always so many Dutch people around. I have 8 more days until my flight to Malaysia, but I don't think I will stay in Solo. I discovered there are some nice temples on Gunung Lawu, a mountain not too far from here, and there should also be lots of tea plantations. So I will go to Tawangmangu tomorrow, that's a hill station close to the temples and I will stay there for a few days...
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Hey Ine,
Ik heb net je foto's nog eens bekeken. Prachtig! Azië heeft me nooit erg aangesproken maar bij het zien van je mooie beelden....
Je hebt toch een 'road' boek bijgehouden, dan kunnen we die reis ook eens maken.
Groetjes, Ann
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